Abdul Rahman Humaid Al Yahyaei
Chief Executive Officer

CEO’s Message

The formation of the Integrated Gas Company SAOC (IGC) carries a unique mission to expertly oversee Oman’s entire gas supply chain. Adapting to the nation’s dynamic and continually evolving landscape of reliable gas supply to meet growing demands necessitates a revolutionary approach. As the CEO of IGC, I am privileged to lead an energetic team ready to confront the challenges that lie ahead. Our commitment to Oman’s energy sectors, generally, and the gas sector specifically, transcends the balance of supply and demand. We are dedicated to providing sustainable energy solutions for the nation, which align with the vision of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said.

The trust and confidence placed in IGC to execute our mandates bear significant responsibility to foster the growth and sustainability of Oman’s gas sector in an integrated and seamless manner. Through innovation, accuracy, and service reliability, with a sharp focus on delivering enhanced value across the supply chain, we aim to achieve concrete and sustainable outcomes.

At the forefront of this ambition is to ensure we meet and exceed expectations within our fiscal performance targets in contribution to the nation’s overall GDP, as well as embrace technology and digitalization in our overall pursuit of excellence. This pursuit of excellence, paired with a visionary approach, ensures that we meet sector requirements and industry benchmarks and endeavor to redefine them in collaboration with our primary stakeholders. A key objective is to rigorously adhere to our mandate and fulfill our commitments with integrity and wisdom, aligning with our Core Values.

We are devoted to the efficient use and management of our natural resources, as this will serve as a catalyst for progress in tandem with the national agenda. By strategically consolidating, intelligently allocating, and wisely distributing our precious gas resources, we aim to guarantee a dependable supply that fuels economic activities, propels industrial growth, and improves the living standards of our citizens. Our initiatives will be in harmony with the broader scopes of Oman Vision 2040 and Net Zero Goal 2050.

In conclusion, we are grateful to our Board of Directors, partners, and stakeholders, who have supported our journey from the inception of IGC as a conceptual idea to the organization we are today. We are prepared to tackle the challenges ahead in collaboration with our trusted partners, leading the future of our nation’s energy landscape and contributing to a prosperous future for Oman.

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Board of Directors

Dr. Musallam Qatan

Chairman of Board of Directors

Qasim Al Aamri

Deputy Chairman

Salim Al Sadi

Board Member

Hisham Al Shidi

Board Member